+++ NEW IN OUR NETWORK +++ Istanbul – Curtici – Duisburg +++ Daily departures +++ Get in touch with our TX representatives +++

Expression of interests

We are looking for a partner to grow our fleet with.

For more information and  required documents visit ‘Human & Resources’.

We stay on track(s) for you. #strongsupplychains

With coronavirus, cross-border freight transport suddenly became a challenge. Railways have shown their strengths here.
Intermodal transport is safe. Our trains continue to run steadily, our European intermodal network works with no restrictions.

We have taken every measure possible to reduce risks and protect our employees. The health of our team is our top priority.

We are and will remain your partner in these challenging times. The entire TX Logistik team is fully committed to ensuring the efficiency of your supply chains every day.

Do you need capacities or support? Talk to us: booking-intermodal@txlogistik.eu.

Hardly any other image could sum up better how we see ourselves: OFFROAD stands for the power and capabilities of rail, an organically grown network and the enthusiasm with which we cross borders together.

With high traction power, logistics expertise and a passion for new departures, we create the connections you need.

Businesses and their destinations are not infrequently separated by thousands of kilometres: Unknown terrain, national borders and
different requirements for the route.

TX is a strong partner in this environment because we have…


...from almost 20 years of experience, enabling the company to "overcome the terrain": in traction and in integrated solutions, end-to-end.

a strong
OFFROAD network

Organically grown connections: Geographically between locations and synergistically between different means of transport and market participants on and along the rails.


... a real innovation in the market, enabling us to close the gap between road and rail. Non-craneable semi-trailers are simply transferred to the rails with NiKRASA.


OFFROAD “clears the dust” off the rails: This transport mode is one of the oldest and at the same time more up to date than ever before.
When you choose the rails, you are choosing: 

Discover your opportunities on the rail. We will boost your success.

Based on our existing, excellent network, we are further expanding our cooperation arrangements with new, strong intermodal partners along the most important corridors. Our aim is to offer you customized end-to-end solutions which make you successful.


OFFROAD is our core business. And yet the connection does not end where the rails end. We link up routes to reach your destinations and bring different modes of transport together in end-to-end solutions.

We regard ourselves as an integrator on the rails: As an operator, we define cost-effective routes. As a traction provider, we put your goods on track:  We drive, you arrive.