… it inspires, connects, builds, gives us strength, inspires … and carries us in times like these. With this conviction, we cordially invite you to a special Christmas event that feels like a kind of digital hug. Our RAILFANATIC X-MAS CONCERT also works at a distance and therefore fits perfectly into this time. This is how we manage to connect people all over Europe for a few moments.
We get loud with a fantastic band: Mirko and the funny musicians – these are four absolute top-class musicians who keep what the name promises: lightness, fun and a first-class musical performance.They bring all sorts of greats into your living room, performing the songs that we all know and love and show us how goose bumps develop and where the laugh muscles are located.
We will be broadcasting live from the terminal … From the trailer. Into your living-room. Enjoy the freedom of your own four walls: Sing as loud as you can, dance and perform the TX classic “We will rail you” in your own way.
We will make the live stream available on our YouTube channel shortly before the event begins. Just click in and enjoy.
We would be delighted if this event reaches as many people as possible and provides a little distraction in this challenging time.Invite your favourite people as well. Just forward this invitation. Everyone who needs a little entertainment, levity and joy these days is welcome. We want to reach as many people as possible and connect them through music. Because it feels good these days. Let’s embrace all of Europe.