TX Logistik with first NiKRASA shipment in Hungary
Hungarian forwarders are using the transhipment solution on the Herne-Budapest rail link
Troisdorf/Budapest, 17 February 2020 – TX Logistik AG is now deploying the NiKRASA system with which noncrane liftable semi-trailers can be loaded onto the rails in Hungary too. The first shipment for a Hungarian customer took place on the route between Herne and Budapest.
“There has always been high-volume traffic between Hungary and Germany. However, only a very small number of craneable semi-trailers have been available for rail transport in Hungary,” explains Bernd Weisweiler, Director of Business Development, Innovation and Funding at TX Logistik. “Our NiKRASA system, with which we can get almost any semi-trailer onto the rails quickly and easily, is therefore attracting a great deal of interest among Hungarian forwarders.”
International-Alexander has been gained as a new customer, and on its behalf the first non-craneable semi-trailer has now been successfully loaded at the Budapest rail terminal Mahart Container Center for transport to Germany. “Especially on our connection between Herne and Budapest, which we currently operate with five round trips per week, we can see good opportunities for further NiKRASA customers,” says Bernd Weisweiler.
“With the Herne – Budapest connection, customers can now use the NiKRASA system on a total of ten routes,” adds Christoph Dörre, Manager for NiKRASA and Business Development, Innovation and Funding at TX Logistik. “In the future, we are planning to consolidate this network with additional lines and thus support the development of the European TXL and Mercitalia network at the same time.”
About TX Logistik AG
TX Logistik was founded in 1999 as a private rail transport company and offers a powerful European network with connections in 11 countries. The company has subsidiaries in Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and Sweden as well as local representation in Italy and the Netherlands. In the Intermodal and Rail Freight business units, TX Logistik develops comprehensive rail solutions for continental and maritime transport as well as tailor-made concepts for conventional freight. With around 500 employees, the company generated annual sales of € 250 million in 2017. Since January 2017, TX Logistik has been wholly owned by Mercitalia Logistics SpA, a subsidiary of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
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TX Logistik AG
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Tel: +49-(0)2241-1492-121
Fax: +49-(0)2241-1492-14101
Mail: m.stacke@txlogistik.eu
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