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Dear customers, partners, friends of TX
it is probably the most environmentally friendly light chain … since there have been light chains: We send our Christmas train fictitiously all over Europe. Merry TX mas!
This year, we decided to do without Christmas presents and donate a considerable amount. In doing so, we remain very close to our business in the context of our green offensive. This way, the donation benefits the whole world, every individual, and nature.
Sparkling Charity Express | Every light a tree
“Every light a tree”: The countless lights of the Sparkling Charity Express symbolise trees that we donate: a real “corporate forest”. We love the initiative of Prima Klima, the oldest non-profit organisation in Germany, which exclusively implements forest projects for climate protection. We plant our own company forest in Nicaragua. It has been proven that within 50 years, three times the amount of CO2 can be bound than by the same donation for trees in Germany.
The reforestation takes place in cooperation with small farmers, the owners of the respective land. They learn how to manage their land sustainably. The new forests are a remedy against the consequences of climate change in the region, and they give the people new economic perspectives. For us, this is an additional good reason to choose precisely this measure and Prima Klima.
The corporate forest also bears your name in a big way. It stands for our partnership in environmental and climate protection.
Trees are the best climate protectors.
And so is the railway.
We cannot emphasise this often enough. If nature had a wish, it would be the transport mode of choice. Your decision and our offer make it possible. We will keep at it, together with you … also in 2023 and beyond to make sustainability the standard in logistics.
Merry TXmas to you and your loved ones....
From the heart of TX, we wish you a wonderful Christmas season. Enjoy the holidays, and get well into a happy and healthy new year. Whenever you see fairy lights these days, may the Sparkling Charity Express bring itself to your memory. So many lights, so many trees. We look forward to joining forces at Christmas to do some good with you and for you.
“Earth is what we all have in common.” (Wendell Berry)